Little Bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem is a perennial grass that creates very dense mounds that reach up to at 1 ½ – 4’. Preferring full sun to part shade, it grows naturally along woodland edges, on hillsides and slopes, and in open areas. This grass is wonderful planted in groupings and provides a changing visual palate ranging from blue-green stems in late summer to radiant mahogany-red, white tufted seed heads in fall. A reddish-tan color persists during winter. Stephen Pryce praises its beauty when he says “there is no shortage of interest from early Summer as these grasses emerge to late Fall where the dry stems catch the slightest coastal breeze.”
In Winter, the fuzzy white seeds of Little Bluestem are of particular value to small birds by providing food as well as giving shelter and nesting material throughout the year. It is also of value to native bees.
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