Ray Schaney CNWR 2024 Volunteer of the Year

Ray Schaney holding his award for the CNWR 2024 Volunteer of the Year.

On 4/29/24, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge volunteer, Ray Schaney, was honored at the 2024 Volunteer of the Year.

For years, Ray has led the re-establishment, expansion, and year-round maintenance of the Visitor Center Gardens behind the Bateman Center on the refuge.

He coordinates this work when on site and from afar (when seasonally living in Erie, PA) by refuge volunteers, student and certified ES Master Gardeners, and Museum of Chincoteague Road Scholars Program participants.

He’s increased the educational value of the gardens as well by establishing a native gardens tabletop exhibit in the Bateman Center and participating in outreach opportunities (ex. Salisbury Zoo Earth Day Celebration) off of the refuge.

Ray was also part of a small group of volunteers who established a trail through the gardens connecting access inside/outside the Bateman Center, creating a true “campus” area for visitors.

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